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5 Organic, Free Methods to Grow your Health IT Instagram

Written by Beth Cooper | Nov 14, 2019 4:46:48 PM

Instagram is often overlooked in the B2B healthcare marketing space as being too frivolous. However, it is a platform with over a billion monthly active users. While Brandwatch reports that 90% of Instagram users are under 35 years old, as millennials climb into more and more leadership positions, businesses who have a presence on Instagram will be the best positioned to reach and impress them. Still, healthcare marketers may currently receive some pushback if they try to invest many resources into the platform. Here are 5 free, organic methods of growing a health IT Instagram account.

  1. Hashtag Clouds. A hashtag cloud is a group of hashtags that you compile for use on each Instagram post. It is one of the most effective ways of boosting Instagram growth as it puts your content in front of the eyes of individuals who are not already following your account. Instagram currently allows you to use 30 hashtags per post. Posting your hashtag cloud in the second comment is better for aesthetic purposes, as it won’t distract from the caption. In order to pick the right tags for your content, perform hashtag searches. Use the popular hashtags within your industry and look at the top posts on the hashtags. Think about the media your industry reads and conferences they go to. Instagram helpfully tells you how many tags each hashtag has within the search results. Don’t waste your time browsing through a super-popular tag with 150 million pictures. More specific tags that have tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand tags are more curated and are used intentionally by accounts within the industry. Example: don’t use #health (107 million posts). Use #healthtech (75k posts). In order not to appear spammy, don’t ever use hashtags that are not relevant to your posts.

    Here's a basic hashtag cloud for anyone in health tech on Instagram (you can copy and paste):

    #healthtech #healthIT #healthtechnology #healthcareforall #HITMC #HIMSS #healthcareIT #MGMA #AHRA #ModernMedicine #medtech #medtechlife #hcmktg

  2. Strategic Engagement. This is a method that often goes overlooked, but can be extremely effective in jumpstarting growth. While exploring hashtags your potential followers would use, engage with desired followers by “liking” or commenting on their posts. Interacting with people will put your account on their radar and will increase the likelihood of a follow. Send a quick thank-you comment to new follows.

  3. Feature Content. Featuring the content of others on your feed is another creative approach to experience Instagram growth. People are more likely to follow your account if you are showcasing something that they created because you will be providing them with much desired exposure as well. Just be sure to get explicit permission from each user before reposting their content.

  4. Giveaways. Holding contests and giveaways often results in a boost of followers. You can increase the effect if you add rules like: contestants must be following specific accounts in order to be entered to win something. Following an account in exchange for the chance to win an awesome prize is a good trade, and individuals are prone to engage in this exchange. It is important to make sure participants are aware of all of the guidelines of the competition by communicating them clearly when describing the giveaway. Be sure to check all state and federal rules.

  5. IGTV. Finally, using the IGTV feature on Instagram is currently a great tactic to boost Instagram growth. Videos are extremely popular right now. Implementing quality videos into your regular content will attract the attention you are looking for in order to experience Instagram growth. In addition to that, IGTV is still a relatively new initiative, and Instagram’s algorithm is treating content posted on it favorably. Be sure to put a “preview” tile of the IGTV video into your main gallery for extra views. Choose a cover image either from the video or upload one that fits your feed well.