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Why healthcare marketers can benefit from storytelling in 3 short steps

Written by Monica Manna | May 3, 2021 5:12:59 PM

Storytelling has historically been used to remember morals, themes, and certain messages. Now, sources such as Forbes call storytelling the hottest trend in the field of marketing and communications. For these reasons, storytelling should bring value to your healthcare marketing campaigns. Conveying a story in your marketing strategy will help your prospects and current health tech clients better understand your brand’s message and capabilities. Think about how you want your customers to feel when they think about your brand and its story.

If you’re wondering how valuable storytelling is in marketing, it truly is because the brains of healthcare marketers and most humans are wired to think in narratives. When you want your customer to buy your product or services, your customers will think about how it will benefit them. In order for them to see the benefits, your customers will follow your brand’s story to reach the buying stage. A story enables a strong emotional connection. Therefore, that story will build a connection between your brand and your customer.

See how you can promote your brand through storytelling in these 3 steps:

Develop a brand narrative

First, it is crucial to have a dense, comprehensive understanding of your brand's message, goals, values, and mission before creating a story to present to your customers. Once this is settled, you can confidently market your health IT brand. When doing so, make sure to include customers in the story. Make your customers the heroes of your brand’s story. Without them, none of it would be possible. 

Analyze your target audience

Who is your target audience? When would be the best time to share your story with them? In what setting? These are all questions to consider when targeting your story. 

A great way to answer these questions is through analyzing your audience’s conversations online with tools such as Google Analytics and Audiense. Once you see what your audience is interested in and where they are online, you can target a story that will catch their attention and remember your healthcare brand.

Create a video 

As video marketing becomes more and more popular in the health tech digital marketing realm, the final touch for your brand’s story will be converting it into a short video. Create engaging content that your audience is highly likely to interact with. 

If you’re looking for more info about video marketing in healthcare, you can find more information here.

Once you have gone through each of these steps, your health tech brand will have a much better hold on how to approach your storytelling strategy. Check back in with us to let us know about how your experience went, or if you need any help.