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Refining your healthcare or life sciences messaging quickly: a guide for when time is of the essence

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We've all been there: a product launch is imminent, a key conference is around the corner, or there's an unexpected development in the field, and suddenly, there's an urgent need to refine your messaging. While the gold standard would be to commission an extensive primary research study, sometimes time (and budget) just isn't on our side.

But fear not! Quick refinements don't mean compromising on quality or effectiveness. By tapping into existing resources and being strategic with the information at hand, you can hone your messaging swiftly. Whether you're a seasoned healthcare communications pro or a life sciences marketing maven, here's how you can make swift yet effective refinements.

Understand the urgency, not the haste

First and foremost, differentiate between being fast and being hasty. Being hasty can lead to oversight and errors, while being fast is about maximizing efficiency. Before diving into refining your message, take a moment to clearly understand the why, what, and for whom of the urgency.

Review past research and feedback

Even if there isn't time for a new research study, it's likely that your healthcare communications firm or life sciences marketing agency has a wealth of past research and client feedback. Dive into these resources:

Past surveys and studies: What did your audience previously highlight? Look for recurring themes or areas of interest that can guide your current messaging.

Client or customer feedback: Go through past emails, feedback forms, or even social media mentions. Sometimes, direct feedback can offer the most candid insights.

Leverage digital analytics

Digital analytics tools, from website metrics to social media insights, are a treasure trove of real-time data. Analyze:

Engagement metrics: Which topics or messages have garnered the most engagement recently? There's a good chance these themes resonate with your audience.

Search queries: If you have a search function on your website, what are visitors looking for? These queries can offer a glimpse into the pressing questions or interests of your audience.

Engage with your sales or frontline team

Your sales or client-facing team interacts directly with your target audience. They are in a unique position to offer insights into the current mood, questions, or concerns of your audience. Organize a quick brainstorming session or even an informal chat to glean insights from their experiences.

Competitive landscape analysis

A quick scan of what competitors or peers are communicating can offer insights and also ensure your messaging stands out. This doesn't mean mimicking their messaging, but understanding the broader communication landscape can guide your unique approach.

Bring in expert perspectives

Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes can make all the difference. Consider collaborating with an external healthcare communications firm or life sciences marketing agency for a quick review. Their experience and outsider perspective can offer invaluable insights and a fresh take on your messaging.

Iterate and refine

Once you've gathered all the insights, start the refinement process. Draft your messages and test them, if possible, with a small internal group. Iterate based on feedback, ensuring clarity and resonance.

In conclusion

Refining messaging under a tight deadline might seem daunting, but with the right approach, it's entirely feasible. Remember, the aim is not to overhaul but to refine. By leveraging existing resources and insights, even the quickest refinements can lead to impactful messaging that resonates with your audience. Whether you're working in-house or with an external healthcare communications firm or life sciences marketing agency, these strategies can help you navigate the fast-paced world of healthcare and life sciences communications with confidence.

Beth Cooper

Named one of the Top Women in Health IT to Know (2024) and Women Power Players to Watch (2022) by Becker's Hospital Reivew and Marketing Person of the Year by Health IT Marketing Community (2021), Beth Cooper, JD/MBA is the VP of Marketing and Sales of a multi-award winning top 10 Healthcare Marketing Agency. Over her accomplished career spanning two decades, Cooper has been the driving force behind numerous groundbreaking strategies, transforming businesses into market leaders and propelling their growth trajectories to uncharted heights. She is a strong advocate for the marriage of creative innovation with data-driven insights and leverages cutting-edge tools and methodologies to ensure the successful execution of global, paradigm-shifting omnichannel campaigns.


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