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Step by step: crafting a message matrix for the most popular life sciences target personas

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In the intricate world of life sciences, clear and effective communication is absolutely vital. The challenge lies in addressing a diverse audience, each with its unique interests, knowledge base, and concerns. This is where a message matrix becomes indispensable. If you're unfamiliar with the concept or looking to refine your approach, this guide is for you. We'll delve into the step-by-step process of creating a message matrix tailored for the top life sciences target personas. And if you're wondering how a life sciences marketing agency might approach this, you're in the right place.

Understanding the message matrix

Before diving into the creation process, it's essential to understand what a message matrix is. In its simplest form, it's a structured framework that aligns your key messages with your target personas. It ensures that every communication is tailored, relevant, and resonates with the audience it's intended for. We keep ours in a spreadsheet for easy reference.

1. Identify your target personas

Start by defining the primary personas in the life sciences field. Here are some of the usual suspects in the pharma / life sciences space:


  • Researchers and scientists: Individuals at the forefront of scientific discovery and innovation.
  • Healthcare professionals: Those who apply life sciences findings in real-world medical scenarios.
  • Investors and stakeholders: People or entities with a financial interest in life sciences advancements.
  • General public and patients: Laypersons and end-users who benefit from or have a vested interest in life sciences developments.

2. Understand the pain points and needs

A life sciences marketing agency often begins its strategy by understanding the unique challenges and needs of each persona. We call them “motivators.” For healthcare professionals, it might be the ease of integrating a new discovery into existing practices. For investors, the key concerns could be profitability and market potential. The more you understand the target, the easier it will be to determine the key messages. 

3. Determine the key messages

Once you've identified the personas and learned a bit more about them, consider the primary message or takeaway you want each group to receive. This involves matching the motivator with a key point about your product or service. For instance, for researchers, the focus might be on the scientific credibility and novelty of an innovation. Meanwhile, for the general public, it might be about the tangible benefits or improvements in quality of life.

4. Craft tailored messages

With a clear understanding of each persona's needs and your own core messages, begin really tailoring communications in your brand style and tone. For example:

Researchers and scientists: "Our breakthrough approach harnesses the power of X, offering an unprecedented level of detail in Y."

Healthcare professionals: "Seamlessly integrate our solution into your practice, enhancing patient outcomes with the latest in Z technology."

Investors and stakeholders: "Backed by robust data, our innovation is poised to capture a significant market share, promising substantial returns."

General public and patients: "Experience a noticeable improvement in your daily life, thanks to the advanced capabilities of our product."

5. Test and refine

Like any marketing tool, your message matrix isn't static. As you roll out communications, gather feedback, and measure engagement levels. Adjust your messaging based on real-world responses. A life sciences marketing agency typically uses analytics tools and audience feedback to refine strategies continuously.

In conclusion

Crafting a message matrix is a meticulous but immensely rewarding process. It ensures that your communications are not only clear but also effectively resonate with each segment of your audience. By understanding and addressing the unique needs of each life sciences persona, you position your brand for greater engagement, trust, and success. Whether you're doing this in-house or with the expertise of a life sciences marketing agency, the right message matrix can be a game-changer.

Beth Cooper

Named one of the Top Women in Health IT to Know (2024) and Women Power Players to Watch (2022) by Becker's Hospital Reivew and Marketing Person of the Year by Health IT Marketing Community (2021), Beth Cooper, JD/MBA is the VP of Marketing and Sales of a multi-award winning top 10 Healthcare Marketing Agency. Over her accomplished career spanning two decades, Cooper has been the driving force behind numerous groundbreaking strategies, transforming businesses into market leaders and propelling their growth trajectories to uncharted heights. She is a strong advocate for the marriage of creative innovation with data-driven insights and leverages cutting-edge tools and methodologies to ensure the successful execution of global, paradigm-shifting omnichannel campaigns.


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