#WeAreKNB Series: Arielle Sklar
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The healthcare world changes, evolves, and develops. It has many sectors and angles, which is why it fascinates and drives us every day. Similar to the industry we all know and love, our team here at KNB is anything but one-dimensional.
Our monthly segment called #WeAreKNB gives you a closer look into who we are and allows you take a look at the faces behind the hard work of KNB Communications. A variety of different perspectives is an asset that we value, and we are excited to show you who we are and why we love what we do. We are individuals, we are a team, #WeAreKNB. Wanna keep up?Sign up for our monthly KNB HealthBeat Newsletter here!
Arielle Sklar recently joined our team as our new Account Director. We decided to highlight her this week to learn more about her. Here are a few questions we asked her below.

Why did you decide to focus on public relations in the Health IT Industry?
I appreciate the vital role healthcare plays for people, providers and communities and the importance of championing organizations improving it.
What is one quality you think is most integral to being a successful public relations professional?
My theatre background has instilled in me the importance of empathy. Learning client passions and translating that to their audiences is one of my favorite parts of the job.
What do you like most about the culture at KNB Communications?
How smart and supportive everyone is!
How has your public relations experience prepared you for KNB?
Working at a large hospital opened the door for me to learn how health systems interact with communities. It also taught me how to distill complex information to make sure important messages are clear and effective.
What do you like to do on the weekends?
Beach walks with my kids, dog and husband, barre classes and listening to medical history podcasts while doing laundry. In that order.
Follow Arielle Sklar on LinkedIn!
We work with health and health tech companies help them speed to success with proven formulas in public relations and marketing. Learn more by scheduling a consultation with our expert team!
