Choose your topic. Make sure it is one that resonates with your target audience. It's best if you are giving the reader something, not asking for something. Give them tips or knowledge that will help them make their lives easier, don't just talk about how great your company is.
Define your purpose. Think about what you want the purpose and outcome of your communication to be. What do you want your audience to feel after they’ve read your content, or what action do you want them to take?
Writean attention-grabbing title. Lists of 3, 5, and 10 go over very well. "How to..." is another great beginner. Get your point acrosssuccinctly and pique interest.
Use an active voice. This just means the subject of the sentence acts upon its verb. The structure is: subject, verb, object. It's an easy way to read, making it a great way to write.
Don't use fancy words. Even if your audience is well-educated and savvy to your topic, your goal is to make your content easily digestible. they'll be more impressed that you can communicate a complex topic simply than if you show off how much jargon you know.
Include a call-to-action. Always include a call-to-action at the end of your content, including a way to contact you. Don't ever put the reader in a position of wanting to contact you and having to go looking for the information.
Always review. Review your content to determine if you’ve communicated the knowledge, perceptions and emotions you want to. Have a colleague review it as well, to see if they experience the takeaway you planned.
Check the analytics. Are people clicking on it? Sharing it? The more you can do to track engagement, the better you will be able to choose topics and build a strong content strategy for future projects.